Watched a breaking newscast yesterday, big news, some guy spotted a couple of rattlesnakes on the West end of Galveston. Nothing new, there’s been rattlesnakes down there as long as I can remember. Heck, cross over the pass toward Surfside if you’re looking for rattlesnakes, those cedar brakes along Christmas Bay used to be full of them and I suspect they still are. In the old days, these guys did everything they could to thin out the rattlesnake populations on the Texas gulf coast. That’s my rattlesnake hunting daddy Rip Smock in the center.
A quote from someone on the 2CoolFishing forum commenting on my dad’s old fishing and hunting photos that he stumbled on while surfing the web;
“How times change. Those old guys smoked, drank, didn’t use sunblock… I’m pretty sure there were no seat belts in those old cars and trucks.(And apparently had little regard for rattlesnakes and gators). They hunted and fished their aces off and somehow found time to fight WWII. The Last Great Generation for sure…”